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Throughout the years, we have acquired a breadth of expertise on various topics and areas of the HR world, from experiential learning to organisational development initiatives. We’d like to share with you some of the sessions we ran in the past and some of the organisations we did bespoke work for.

We hope it will inspire you and give you some ideas wherever your challenges are.

Some of our sessions:

Influencing and Persuading Brilliantly

Tools for Negotiating and Influencing Positive Outcomes

Ownership and Responsibility

Be Comfortable in Providing and Communicating Solutions

Mindset Shift to Unleash Your Potential

Strategies to Develop a Growth Mindset

Building Trust and Embracing Conflict

Engaging in Healthy Debates to Build Better Organisations

Communicating with Authority and Impact

Assertiveness Tools for Better Interactions

Showing up for leadership

How Your Presence Has an Impact on Those Around You

Leading from the inside out

Turning Management into Leadership through Emotional Regulation

Creating a Culture of Clarity and Empowerment

Communication for a Healthier Organization

Some of our bespoke work:

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